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Shawarma Chicken Wrap


Grilled chicken shawarma wrapped in pita with fresh veggies and creamy garlic dip, offering a burst of Middle Eastern flavors.


The Shawarma Chicken Wrap at Pasha in Kingston is a delightful fusion of flavors and textures, capturing the essence of Middle Eastern street food. Tender pieces of chicken, marinated in a blend of aromatic spices, are grilled to perfection and then wrapped in a soft, warm pita. The succulence of the chicken is complemented by the freshness of crisp lettuce, juicy tomatoes, and sharp onions. The tanginess of pickles adds an extra layer of flavor, while the creamy garlic dip brings everything together, adding a hint of richness to every bite. This wrap is not just a meal; it’s an experience, offering a taste of tradition with a touch of modern flair. Whether you’re on the go or looking for a hearty meal, the Shawarma Chicken Wrap promises satisfaction with every bite.


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