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Experience the convenience and flavor-packed goodness of our wraps. Each wrap is a harmonious blend of fillings, sauces, and fresh vegetables, all encased in a soft, pliable bread. Perfect for a quick bite or a fulfilling meal, our wraps are a testament to the versatility and richness of Middle Eastern flavors, wrapped up in a delightful package.

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Falafel Wrap


Crispy falafel balls paired with fresh veggies and creamy hummus, all wrapped in a tender pita, offering a vegetarian Middle Eastern treat.

Shawarma Beef Wrap


Succulent beef shawarma paired with fresh veggies and creamy hummus, all wrapped in a soft pita, delivering a Middle Eastern flavor explosion.

Shawarma Chicken Wrap


Grilled chicken shawarma wrapped in pita with fresh veggies and creamy garlic dip, offering a burst of Middle Eastern flavors.